Medium Green Fluorite Egg


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Medium Green Fluorite Egg
Medium Green Fluorite Egg
Medium Green Fluorite Egg

Rainbow Fluorite is the Stone that assists one to achieve their Higher Purpose. Hidden talents, gifts and deeper truths can be bought to the surface and integrated with the help and use of this stone. Rainbow Fluorite can help one to follow their destiny, predetermined pathways and soul contracts. Where there is resistance or avoidance this stone gently harmonises with the user bringing them back to that place of home within, the feeling that sits in the heart and soul as truth and peace. Where there is openness the user lifts up easily to vibrate with this amazing gift from the Universe.

Within each Rainbow Fluorite exists mini rainbows which are Pink in Vibration, representing Divine Love and Wholeness. These mini rainbows are formation points in the stone where the combination of all the vibrations within the Rainbow Fluorite merge as one.

The Violet Vibration in the Rainbow Fluorite represents Protection and Fortitude. In life at times the greater ones gifts, the greater their challenges. In this way It supports the user especially when they encounter bumps on their path. It acts as a guidance and a protector and can be asked to support the user in this way when they feel the need for it. The Violet Vibration also resonates with Wisdom, Strength of Self, Courage and Great Transformation.

Blue Fluorite brings the gift of Higher Knowledge and Higher Intelligence. It supports one when making difficult decisions and assists those dealing with great responsibility. Conclusions that are reached are centred around Justice and the highest good for all involved in all situations. Inspiration and new ideas can be experienced with Blue Fluorite as it holds gifts from the Universe for those who are ready to receive them.

The Clear Vibration in the Rainbow Fluorite offers clarity. Clarity translates as alignment with ones higher self. Through Clarity comes confidence, knowing and reassurance to go forward. Having Clarity helps to eliminate self doubt and lack of confidence.

Green Fluorite is very protective against psychic attack. It surrounds one and their space with a forcefield of peaceful strength and protection. Where this attack may be recurring, fluorite will alert the user as to what is triggering these attacks so that they can work at vibrating past them. One may ask the fluorite to show them through their feelings, senses or thoughts what this may be. It is a great stone to use if one is dealing or working with difficult people, family, friends, colleagues and or difficult situations.

Fluorite is a wonderful stone to hold and use to absorb any negativity one may be experiencing. Heavy, draining and foreign energy can be focused and sent into the fluorite by holding it in both hands and visualising the fluorite absorbing it and dissipating it.

Fluorite is also known to be a very balancing stone. It unites the trine of body, mind and spirit in harmony. It is also known to aid concentration and focus and is a great stone for study, in particular for teenagers and young adults at school and University. Fluorite can help to absorb the stress from the enormous pressure some students feel to perform and succeed. It can filter this energy and disperse it. This property of Fluorite can apply to other similar life situations where one may need this sort of support. Furthermore, Fluorite will absorb and filter the electromagnetic radiation emitted from computers.


65mm Long

45mm Wide


Medium Green Fluorite Egg
Medium Green Fluorite Egg
Medium Green Fluorite Egg

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