Pink Leopard Skin Jasper is the Stone of Celebration, Victory, and Fulfilment. Jasper is an action-oriented stone. It supports the physical action required to fulfil ones hopes, wishes, and desires. It is a heart centred stone and encourages compassion and respect for self and others. In matters of confrontation and disagreement, it helps one to own their position of truth, and their right to be as they see fit. This crystal also offers compassion, understanding and acceptance of their opposer, or of the energy that challenges them. It offers peace, acceptance, resolution, and the deepening of one’s alignment with self.

Pink Leopard Skin Jasper is a stone of courage and emotional empowerment. Its energy centres around finding confidence in the areas and feelings of insecurity and vulnerability. It provides calm vibrations, reassurance, and supports one trusting themselves, their inclinations and their chosen path and actions. This crystal has a fun, creative, youthful energy and helps to spark the joy and excitement within. It encourages social interaction and the joy of giving and receiving. It has a fun, cheeky, light-hearted energy which reignites our passions and the ability to flirt with life and attract fulfilling opportunities. It supports self confidence in matters of the heart, in expressing our needs and wants, owning them and liberating the restriction of having them buried deep within, unexpressed and unrealised.

Pink Leopard Skin Jasper is a wonderful stone for those pursuing all creative endeavours. Business owners manifesting new paths forward for their business and prosperity, can benefit from this dynamic and creative energy. This crystal is a wonderful stone for courage and awakens the energy of deserving and acceptance of all good things, believing in one’s dreams and visions.

Pink Leopard Skin Jasper is a wonderful stone for children and young ones who thrive on spontaneity, enthusiasm, and excitement. It encourages one to see life through a Rose-Coloured Lens and overcome the tendency to negativity and for those who always look for problems and things to worry about. It helps to encourage a positive mindset and the feeling of power in the ability to change to a consistent mentality of the glass being half full. Pink Leopard Skin Jasper asks us to own our individuality, to love who we are, as we are, and honour our own unique journey through life. This crystal can be placed in the fame and reputation area of one’s home, so as to achieve a strengthened sense of self and how we stand up and present ourselves to our selves and the world.