Giant Hematoid Quartz Heart


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Giant Hematoid Quartz Heart
Giant Hematoid Quartz Heart
Giant Hematoid Quartz Heart

Hematoid Quartz is a stone that helps create balance wherever there is an excess amount of energy. This may be within the body, within the mind, the emotions or within the persons life, their patterns, routines and way of being. It is a great stone for those that are obsessive/compulsive, for overachievers for competitiveness and those wishing to conquer. These people have often lost sight of other things as their fixed sole purpose becomes them. 

Hematoid Quartz helps to calm the overwhelm. The feeling of thrill and adventure may be somewhat fulfilling on one level but when its not married up with the emotions (creating a deeper purpose) and the heart (creating deeper fulfilment) it can lead to burnout, feeling flat, or a loss of interest. This is a great stone for those who get bored easily or can’t sit still and who tend to get destructive when not channelling their energy in to a point of focus. Its also great for those who get bored with their job, relationships and friendships. These types may often be on the hunt for a high, looking for new stimulation, distractions and excitement which often masks a desire for a deeper sense of purpose in life.

Working with a Hematoid Quartz Heart reminds the user that no one person or thing is capable of providing that long lasting buzz for another, it’s always an inside job. This formula of marrying the spark to the emotions and heart helps build stronger foundations within. It reminds the user that while people or circumstances may disappoint them or not work out as planned that they have a strong core and connection with self so that they can bounce back easier reapplying themselves to new experiences, ideas and situations as they arise and as life is being lived. 

Furthermore in the reverse where one may feel that they have lost their passion, drive and fire, Hematoid Quartz can help reactivate the spark of life-force within. Holding a Hematoid Quartz Heart at night before going to bed can help to re awaken the dormant animal within. It reactivates the positive feeling of zest for life and an appreciation for feeling good.



Giant Hematoid Quartz Heart
Giant Hematoid Quartz Heart
Giant Hematoid Quartz Heart

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