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Green Calcite is a mental balancer and it helps to harmonise the link between the mind and the emotions.  It lends an awareness to the user of their thoughts, both positive and negative and assists them to be more present and conscious of them. 

Green Calcite can help to mend past trauma.  It can help to heal the effect that it has had on the persons mind which in turn feeds in to their emotional response.  This vicious cycle can be bought into balance so that unity between the two may ensue. 

Green Calcite teaches the user the proper balance of giving and receiving in all their relationships.  It alerts one as to where they are giving too much or are not owning being adequately deserving of receiving in balance.  It also highlights the imbalance of the perennial takers and can encourage positive, healthy boundaries to be established. 

Green Calcite is soothing and healing and cooling.  Its tranquility is very beneficial anywhere in the home, bedroom, study and workspace.  It helps to teach one to pause and not react to their emotional triggers.  This discipline between the mind and the emotions, once mastered, will lead the user forward in a more positive, confident and empowered place of being and point of attraction in their life.