Lithium Quartz Sphere


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Lithium Quartz Sphere
Lithium Quartz Sphere
Lithium Quartz Sphere
Lithium Quartz Sphere

Lithium Quartz is likened to the crystal equivalent of an anti depressant. It should not however replace any medication or current treatment that one is on or undertaking and medical advice should always be considered. It is however a wonderful tool and support. Lithium Quartz will work with the user to help them unravel what is at the core of their depression. Whether its a mild tendency to mood imbalance or a medical condition, Lithium Quartz can work well with most emotional/mental imbalances.

Often one of the biggest obstacles to healing depression is the person who is suffering with it. Sadly many people who struggle with depression often find it very difficult to see and admit that they are in fact depressed. The shock and the shame of this realisation can be debilitating and can make one feel like a failure. Denial may feel much safer and a more comfortable place to live in as the pain that lies underneath can be too difficult to brooch. Lithium Quartz may comfort one in their current position and encourages a day by day approach. It helps one to make peace with where they are at, feeling confident and looking forward to change. Those that heal their depression may sometimes re visit that place but learn and know not to stay there. The transformation can empower one to know the difference and to choose more powerfully how they want to feel and live their lives.

Creative therapy may be inspired from using a lithium quartz crystal. It can help one to channel their pain or mental torment through art, dance, physical activity, writing or speaking with a trusted friend, councillor or confidante. Working with a Lithium Quartz helps to balance extremes in highs and lows over time, focussing instead on a steady and more balanced vibration.

70mm Diameter

Lithium Quartz Sphere
Lithium Quartz Sphere
Lithium Quartz Sphere
Lithium Quartz Sphere

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